SWI refers to the Standards Australia as the standards organisation that was established in 1922 and is recognised through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Australian government as the peak non-government standards development body in Australia.
Standards Australia is a listed company with 73 members representing groups interested in the development and application of technical standards and related fencing products and services. Standards Australia develops internationally aligned Australian standards (AS) and participates in standards-related activities that deliver benefit to the nation. Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand work together to develop joint standards (AS/NZS).
In 2003 Standards Australia sold its commercial businesses to SAI Global Limited and SAI Global Ltd was floated on the Australian Stock Exchange.
Initially it retained a 40% interest in SAI Global, but progressively sold this shareholding down to zero, enabling it to focus exclusively on its core business of developing and managing its collection of approximately 7000 Australian standards and representing Australia’s interests in international standardisation.
Official website
SAI Global Info Store Exclusive Australian Standards distributor website
Wiki Standards Australia